Culture And People
Culture and People
Architect Reuben Okoya at Gbarantoru-Ekpetiama
Architect Reuben Okoya arriving the venue of OBUNEM EPIE YAM FESTIVAL 2018
Cultural dance display by various group of women and yam presentation to the Clan Head

King Sasime exchanging pleasantries with some chiefs

Architect Reuben Okoya with some dignitaries at Obunem Epie festival

HRM King Igodo of Atissa Clan at the venue in Ogbogoro

Uge-Adiafa New Yam festival, Ogbogoro
HRM King Bubaraye Dakolo and other dignitaries walking at the venue of the festival
Architect Reuben Okoya addressing the press
Dignitaries at the palace of the Ibenenaowei of Ekpetiama Clan.
Architect Reuben Okoya with some dignitaries at Obunem Epie festival

Cultural dance display by various group of women and yam presentation to the clan Head


Architect Reuben Okoya addressing Pressmen at Uge-Adiafa New Yam festival, Ogbogoro

Architect Reuben Okoya arriving the venue of UGE-ADIAFA NEW YAM FESTIVAL, OGBOGORO
HRM King Bubaraye Dakolo and other dignitaries walking at the venue of the festival
Dignitaries at the palace of the Ibenenaowei of Ekpetiama Clan.
Dignitaries at the palace of the Ibenenaowei of Ekpetiama Clan.
Deputy Gov. of Bayelsa State, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha Johah (rtd.) and king Mallam sasime standing for the national anthem

Architect Reuben Okoya with some dignitaries at Obunem Epie festival

Cultural dance display by various group of women and yam presentation to the Clan Head, UGE-ADIAFA NEW YAM FESTIVAL, OGBOGORO

Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State Rear Admiral Gbobiogha John Jonah (Rtd.) making his speech on behalf of Bayelsa State Government

Uge-Adiafa New Yam festival, Ogbogoro
Reuben Okoya